Thursday, November 11, 2010

Activating Sidebar Widget

On, activate the widget in the sidebar or kolomsisi be said to be "mandatory", because without it we would not be able to add accessories blog in accordance with what we want. Accessories I mean, as you can see in the sidebar of this blog, such as the Text Area, RSS feeds from other blogs, Recent Comments / Recent Readers, and others. Follow the following practical tips to start to activate the widget in the sidebar of your blog.

For WordPress version 2.5 / 2.6 and
1. After logging in, click "Design" or "Design"
2. Click the "Widget"
3. Click the "Add" or "Add" on the widget to be added / switched to the sidebar. Example: click "Add" or "Add" the widget "Text / Text", "RSS".
4. Click "Save Changes" or "Save Changes"
5. Click "Edit" or "Edit" on the widgets to be edited. For example, click "Edit" on the widget "RSS" are already on the "Add" above, then fill with feed from a blog, this example enter my feed to your RSS widget ->
6. Click "Change" and "Save Changes". Done.

Tip: Widget is already active can go up according to taste in a way: mouse over the widget -> left click constant -> drag up or down according to taste.
For WordPress versions below 2.5 (2.3, 2.2, etc.)

1. After login -> click "Display" or "Presentation"
2. Click the "Widget"
3. There is a menu "Available Widgets", below that there are small boxes (widget) -> Pull the box that you want to "Column Side" or "Sidebar" on it. For example, drag the widgets "Latest Posts" and above.
Tip: How to draw: mouse over the widget -> left click constant -> drag it to the "Column Side" or "Sidebar"
4. Click "Save Changes" or "Update Change" (see upper right part and / or bottom).
5. Done. Your widget is active. Your blog's sidebar widgets already filled. Repeat the same thing to move the other widgets that are still "unemployed" below. As widgets "Archive", "Latest Comments", "Meta", "Text", "RSS", and others.

• For widgets TEXT, after raised to the sidebar / column-side, you need to edit it in order to function. The trick, double click on the TEXT-time, after which the contents with html code you want. For example, the contents of my link exchange code:

<a href="" title="Blogger Indonesia" target="_blank"> <img src = "" border = "0" alt = "Blogger Indonesia"> </ a>

After that, click "Save Changes" or "Update Changes"
• For the RSS widget, after raising, double-click on the widget is a small box, after the open-content RSS blog or website you want to plug. For example, plug this RSS ->
Do not forget to save by clicking the "Save Changes" or "Update Changes".

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