Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Enable Widgets Flicker and Delicious

You like a photo or image collection, of course you need to to save it. If you like to save links to interesting from a number of sites, you certainly need to have an account at, the most popular online bookmark. Both and can you put yours on, because they both have built-in becomes part of You can just activate the task and put it in the sidebar if you like. Follow these practical tutorial follows: 

The first step, (a) To and vesrsi WordPress 2.5 / 2.6: click on "Add" ata "Add" on the Flickr widget, and click "Save Changes". 
(B) For the wordpress version less than 2.5 (2.3, 2.2 etc.) raise your flickr or widget to your sidebar. Then follow the following details: 
Flickr Widget 
1. In the "URL RSS Flickr" -> enter the address of your flickr RSS feed. 
Example: enter this flickr RSS feed -> @ N08 & lang = en-us & format = rss_200 
2. Title -> the content that you want title 
3. How many photos you want to display -> select the number in the drop-down menu. 
4. After that, click save changes or "Update change" 
Delicious Widget 
1. In the widget title -> love the title 
2. In login -> enter your login delicious. For example, bloggerindonesia 
3. Numbers link -> write the number of links you want to view. 
4. Done. Click Save Changes or Save Update. 

Notes for widgets Flckr: 
Flickr widget must be filled with the flickr RSS feed to be included. 
Example flickr RSS feed. -> Http:// @ N08 & lang = en-us & format = rss_200 
How to find your flickr RSS feed: 
1. please visit 
2. At the very bottom there is written "Subscribe to bloggerindonesia's photos". 
3. Click on the word "Free" -> right click -> copy shortcut (IE) or Copy link location (for firefox) -> click (link dah tercopy RSS feeds) 
4. Enter / paste into your flickr widget. Completed 

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